Math Commands and Symbols
It can be a little hard to remember all the math symbols and commands. Here is a quick reference guide to help you out.
For practice, I recommend the texnique website which turns LaTeX equations in to a game.
This page uses a lot of MathJax, so some symbols may take a second to render.
Greek Letters
Lowercase Command |
Symbol |
Uppercase Command |
Symbol |
\alpha |
\(\alpha\) |
A |
\(A\) |
\beta |
\(\beta\) |
B |
\(B\) |
\gamma |
\(\gamma\) |
\Gamma |
\(\Gamma\) |
\delta |
\(\delta\) |
\Delta |
\(\Delta\) |
\epsilon |
\(\epsilon\) |
E |
\(E\) |
\zeta |
\(\zeta\) |
Z |
\(Z\) |
\eta |
\(\eta\) |
H |
\(H\) |
\theta |
\(\theta\) |
\Theta |
\(\Theta\) |
\iota |
\(\iota\) |
I |
\(I\) |
\kappa |
\(\kappa\) |
K |
\(K\) |
\lambda |
\(\lambda\) |
\Lambda |
\(\Lambda\) |
\mu |
\(\mu\) |
M |
\(M\) |
\nu |
\(\nu\) |
N |
\(N\) |
\xi |
\(\xi\) |
\Xi |
\(\Xi\) |
\omicron |
\(\omicron\) |
O |
\(O\) |
\pi |
\(\pi\) |
\Pi |
\(\Pi\) |
\rho |
\(\rho\) |
P |
\(P\) |
\sigma |
\(\sigma\) |
\Sigma |
\(\Sigma\) |
\tau |
\(\tau\) |
T |
\(T\) |
\upsilon |
\(\upsilon\) |
\Upsilon |
\(\Upsilon\) |
\phi |
\(\phi\) |
\Phi |
\(\Phi\) |
\chi |
\(\chi\) |
X |
\(X\) |
\psi |
\(\psi\) |
\Psi |
\(\Psi\) |
\omega |
\(\omega\) |
\Omega |
\(\Omega\) |
In addition to the standard Greek letters, there are also some variant forms:
Command |
Symbol |
\varepsilon |
\(\varepsilon\) |
\vartheta |
\(\vartheta\) |
\varkappa |
\(\varkappa\) |
\varpi |
\(\varpi\) |
\varrho |
\(\varrho\) |
\varsigma |
\(\varsigma\) |
\varphi |
\(\varphi\) |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\left( |
\((\) |
\right) |
\()\) |
\left[ |
\([\) |
\right] |
\(]\) |
\left\{ |
\(\{\) |
\right\} |
\(\}\) |
\left\langle |
\(\langle\) |
\right\rangle |
\(\rangle\) |
\left\lfloor |
\(\lfloor\) |
\right\rfloor |
\(\rfloor\) |
\left\lceil |
\(\lceil\) |
\right\rceil |
\(\rceil\) |
\left\| |
\(\vert\) |
\right\| |
\(\vert\) |
\left\\| |
\(\Vert\) |
\right\\| |
\(\Vert\) |
\left. |
\(.\) |
\right. |
\(.\) |
\left/ |
\(/\) |
\right/ |
\(/\) |
\left\backslash |
\(\backslash\) |
\right\backslash |
\(\backslash\) |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\leftarrow |
\(\leftarrow\) |
\longleftarrow |
\(\longleftarrow\) |
\uparrow |
\(\uparrow\) |
\Uparrow |
\(\Uparrow\) |
\rightarrow |
\(\rightarrow\) |
\longrightarrow |
\(\longrightarrow\) |
\downarrow |
\(\downarrow\) |
\Downarrow |
\(\Downarrow\) |
\leftrightarrow |
\(\leftrightarrow\) |
\longleftrightarrow |
\(\longleftrightarrow\) |
\updownarrow |
\(\updownarrow\) |
\Updownarrow |
\(\Updownarrow\) |
\mapsto |
\(\mapsto\) |
\longmapsto |
\(\longmapsto\) |
\hookleftarrow |
\(\hookleftarrow\) |
\hookrightarrow |
\(\hookrightarrow\) |
\leftharpoonup |
\(\leftharpoonup\) |
\rightharpoonup |
\(\rightharpoonup\) |
\leftharpoondown |
\(\leftharpoondown\) |
\rightharpoondown |
\(\rightharpoondown\) |
\rightleftharpoons |
\(\rightleftharpoons\) |
\leftrightharpoons |
\(\leftrightharpoons\) |
\nearrow |
\(\nearrow\) |
\searrow |
\(\searrow\) |
\swarrow |
\(\swarrow\) |
\nwarrow |
\(\nwarrow\) |
\leadsto |
\(\leadsto\) |
\rightsquigarrow |
\(\rightsquigarrow\) |
\curvearrowleft |
\(\curvearrowleft\) |
\curvearrowright |
\(\curvearrowright\) |
\circlearrowleft |
\(\circlearrowleft\) |
\circlearrowright |
\(\circlearrowright\) |
\Leftrightarrow |
\(\Leftrightarrow\) |
\Longleftrightarrow |
\(\Longleftrightarrow\) |
\Leftarrow |
\(\Leftarrow\) |
\Longleftarrow |
\(\Longleftarrow\) |
\Rightarrow |
\(\Rightarrow\) |
\Longrightarrow |
\(\Longrightarrow\) |
\iff |
\(\iff\) |
\implies |
\(\implies\) |
Binary Operators
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\pm |
\(\pm\) |
\mp |
\(\mp\) |
\times |
\(\times\) |
\div |
\(\div\) |
\cdot |
\(\cdot\) |
\ast |
\(\ast\) |
\star |
\(\star\) |
\dagger |
\(\dagger\) |
\ddagger |
\(\ddagger\) |
\amalg |
\(\amalg\) |
\cap |
\(\cap\) |
\cup |
\(\cup\) |
\uplus |
\(\uplus\) |
\sqcap |
\(\sqcap\) |
\sqcup |
\(\sqcup\) |
\vee |
\(\vee\) |
\wedge |
\(\wedge\) |
\setminus |
\(\setminus\) |
\wr |
\(\wr\) |
\diamond |
\(\diamond\) |
\bigtriangleup |
\(\bigtriangleup\) |
\bigtriangledown |
\(\bigtriangledown\) |
\triangleleft |
\(\triangleleft\) |
\triangleright |
\(\triangleright\) |
\lhd |
\(\lhd\) |
\rhd |
\(\rhd\) |
\unlhd |
\(\unlhd\) |
\unrhd |
\(\unrhd\) |
\oplus |
\(\oplus\) |
\otimes |
\(\otimes\) |
\odot |
\(\odot\) |
\oslash |
\(\oslash\) |
\circledcirc |
\(\circledcirc\) |
\circledast |
\(\circledast\) |
\circleddash |
\(\circleddash\) |
\boxplus |
\(\boxplus\) |
\boxtimes |
\(\boxtimes\) |
\boxdot |
\(\boxdot\) |
\bigcirc |
\(\bigcirc\) |
\bigodot |
\(\bigodot\) |
\bigotimes |
\(\bigotimes\) |
\bigoplus |
\(\bigoplus\) |
\biguplus |
\(\biguplus\) |
\bigsqcup |
\(\bigsqcup\) |
\bigvee |
\(\bigvee\) |
\bigwedge |
\(\bigwedge\) |
\coprod |
\(\coprod\) |
\bigcap |
\(\bigcap\) |
\bigcup |
\(\bigcup\) |
\prod |
\(\prod\) |
\sum |
\(\sum\) |
\int |
\(\int\) |
\oint |
\(\oint\) |
\iiint |
\(\iiint\) |
\iiiint |
\(\iiiint\) |
\idotsint |
\(\idotsint\) |
\therefore |
\(\therefore\) |
\because |
\(\because\) |
\dotplus |
\(\dotplus\) |
\centerdot |
\(\centerdot\) |
\ltimes |
\(\ltimes\) |
\rtimes |
\(\rtimes\) |
\leftthreetimes |
\(\leftthreetimes\) |
\rightthreetimes |
\(\rightthreetimes\) |
\curlywedge |
\(\curlywedge\) |
\curlyvee |
\(\curlyvee\) |
\boxminus |
\(\boxminus\) |
\boxdot |
\(\boxdot\) |
\divideontimes |
\(\divideontimes\) |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\sin |
\(\sin\) |
\cos |
\(\cos\) |
\tan |
\(\tan\) |
\cot |
\(\cot\) |
\sec |
\(\sec\) |
\csc |
\(\csc\) |
\arcsin |
\(\arcsin\) |
\arccos |
\(\arccos\) |
\arctan |
\(\arctan\) |
\sinh |
\(\sinh\) |
\cosh |
\(\cosh\) |
\tanh |
\(\tanh\) |
\coth |
\(\coth\) |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\log |
\(\log\) |
\ln |
\(\ln\) |
\lg |
\(\lg\) |
\exp |
\(\exp\) |
\lim |
\(\lim\) |
\liminf |
\(\liminf\) |
\limsup |
\(\limsup\) |
\sup |
\(\sup\) |
\inf |
\(\inf\) |
\max |
\(\max\) |
\min |
\(\min\) |
\arg |
\(\arg\) |
\deg |
\(\deg\) |
\det |
\(\det\) |
\dim |
\(\dim\) |
\hom |
\(\hom\) |
\ker |
\(\ker\) |
\Pr |
\(\Pr\) |
\gcd |
\(\gcd\) |
\varliminf |
\(\varliminf\) |
\varlimsup |
\(\varlimsup\) |
\varinjlim |
\(\varinjlim\) |
\varprojlim |
\(\varprojlim\) |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
< |
\(<\) |
> |
\(>\) |
\leq |
\(\leq\) |
\geq |
\(\geq\) |
\ll |
\(\ll\) |
\gg |
\(\gg\) |
\equiv |
\(\equiv\) |
\sim |
\(\sim\) |
\subset |
\(\subset\) |
\supset |
\(\supset\) |
\approx |
\(\approx\) |
\cong |
\(\cong\) |
\subseteq |
\(\subseteq\) |
\supseteq |
\(\supseteq\) |
\propto |
\(\propto\) |
\neq |
\(\neq\) |
\in |
\(\in\) |
\ni |
\(\ni\) |
\notin |
\(\notin\) |
\subsetneq |
\(\subsetneq\) |
\supsetneq |
\(\supsetneq\) |
\nsubseteq |
\(\nsubseteq\) |
\nsupseteq |
\(\nsupseteq\) |
\parallel |
\(\parallel\) |
\nparallel |
\(\nparallel\) |
\perp |
\(\perp\) |
\mid |
\(\mid\) |
\nmid |
\(\nmid\) |
\asymp |
\(\asymp\) |
\doteq |
\(\doteq\) |
\bowtie |
\(\bowtie\) |
\models |
\(\models\) |
\smile |
\(\smile\) |
\frown |
\(\frown\) |
\vdash |
\(\vdash\) |
\dashv |
\(\dashv\) |
\infty |
\(\infty\) |
\aleph |
\(\aleph\) |
\forall |
\(\forall\) |
\exists |
\(\exists\) |
\nexists |
\(\nexists\) |
\emptyset |
\(\emptyset\) |
\varnothing |
\(\varnothing\) |
\neg |
\(\neg\) |
\top |
\(\top\) |
\bot |
\(\bot\) |
\angle |
\(\angle\) |
\measuredangle |
\(\measuredangle\) |
\sphericalangle |
\(\sphericalangle\) |
\triangle |
\(\triangle\) |
\nabla |
\(\nabla\) |
\partial |
\(\partial\) |
\hbar |
\(\hbar\) |
\imath |
\(\imath\) |
\jmath |
\(\jmath\) |
\ell |
\(\ell\) |
\wp |
\(\wp\) |
\Re |
\(\Re\) |
\Im |
\(\Im\) |
\mho |
\(\mho\) |
\eth |
\(\eth\) |
\Finv |
\(\Finv\) |
\Game |
\(\Game\) |
\Bbbk |
\(\Bbbk\) |
\circ |
\(\circ\) |
\bullet |
\(\bullet\) |
\wr |
\(\wr\) |
\diamond |
\(\diamond\) |
\bigtriangleup |
\(\bigtriangleup\) |
\bigtriangledown |
\(\bigtriangledown\) |
\triangleleft |
\(\triangleleft\) |
\triangleright |
\(\triangleright\) |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\hat{a} |
\(\hat{a}\) |
\check{a} |
\(\check{a}\) |
\breve{a} |
\(\breve{a}\) |
\acute{a} |
\(\acute{a}\) |
\grave{a} |
\(\grave{a}\) |
\tilde{a} |
\(\tilde{a}\) |
\bar{a} |
\(\bar{a}\) |
\vec{a} |
\(\vec{a}\) |
\dot{a} |
\(\dot{a}\) |
\ddot{a} |
\(\ddot{a}\) |
\mathring{a} |
\(\mathring{a}\) |
\widehat{a} |
\(\widehat{a}\) |
\widetilde{a} |
\(\widetilde{a}\) |
\overline{a} |
\(\overline{a}\) |
\underline{a} |
\(\underline{a}\) |
\overbrace{a} |
\(\overbrace{a}\) |
\underbrace{a} |
\(\underbrace{a}\) |
\overleftarrow{a} |
\(\overleftarrow{a}\) |
\overrightarrow{a} |
\(\overrightarrow{a}\) |
\overleftrightarrow{a} |
\(\overleftrightarrow{a}\) |
LaTeX has some built in environments and some common packages like amsmath
and mathtools
provide additional
LaTeX Environments
Type |
Inline |
Display |
Numbered |
Description |
Command |
equation |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Standard equation environment |
\begin{equation} ... \end{equation} |
Inline |
Yes |
No |
No |
Inline equation environment |
$ ... $ |
Inline (alt) |
Yes |
No |
No |
Inline equation environment |
\(...\) |
Display |
No |
Yes |
No |
Display equation environment |
$$ ... $$ |
Display (alt) |
No |
Yes |
No |
Display equation environment |
\[ ... \] |
The different inline and display environments extend from the difference in TeX and LaTeX. TeX uses $ ... $
for inline
math and $$ ... $$
for display math. LaTeX uses \[ ... \]
for display math and \(...\)
for inline math. The
results will be the same, and choice is personal preference. However, the LaTeX environments is considered better
Type |
Inline |
Display |
Numbered |
Description |
Command |
equation* |
No |
Yes |
No |
Standard equation environment |
\begin{equation*} ... \end{equation*} |
align |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Align multiple equations |
\begin{align} ... \end{align} |
align* |
No |
Yes |
No |
Align multiple equations |
\begin{align*} ... \end{align*} |
gather |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Center multiple equations |
\begin{gather} ... \end{gather} |
gather* |
No |
Yes |
No |
Center multiple equations |
\begin{gather*} ... \end{gather*} |
multline |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Multi-line equations |
\begin{multline} ... \end{multline} |
multline* |
No |
Yes |
No |
Multi-line equations |
\begin{multline*} ... \end{multline*} |
split |
No |
Yes |
No |
Multi-line equations |
\begin{split} ... \end{split} |
aligned |
No |
Yes |
No |
Multi-line equations |
\begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned} |
cases |
No |
Yes |
No |
Multi-line equations |
\begin{cases} ... \end{cases} |
matrix |
No |
Yes |
No |
Matrix equations |
\begin{matrix} ... \end{matrix} |
pmatrix |
No |
Yes |
No |
Matrix equations |
\begin{pmatrix} ... \end{pmatrix} |
bmatrix |
No |
Yes |
No |
Matrix equations |
\begin{bmatrix} ... \end{bmatrix} |
Bmatrix |
No |
Yes |
No |
Matrix equations |
\begin{Bmatrix} ... \end{Bmatrix} |
vmatrix |
No |
Yes |
No |
Matrix equations |
\begin{vmatrix} ... \end{vmatrix} |
Vmatrix |
No |
Yes |
No |
Matrix equations |
\begin{Vmatrix} ... \end{Vmatrix} |
Type |
Inline |
Display |
Numbered |
Description |
Command |
dcases |
No |
Yes |
No |
Multi-line equations |
\begin{dcases} ... \end{dcases} |
Command |
Symbol |
Command |
Symbol |
\mathbb{A} |
\(\mathbb{A}\) |
\mathcal{A} |
\(\mathcal{A}\) |
\mathfrak{A} |
\(\mathfrak{A}\) |
\mathsf{A} |
\(\mathsf{A}\) |
\mathscr{A} |
\(\mathscr{A}\) |
\mathbf{A} |
\(\mathbf{A}\) |
\mathit{A} |
\(\mathit{A}\) |
\mathrm{A} |
\(\mathrm{A}\) |
\mathnormal{A} |
\(\mathnormal{A}\) |
\mathsf{A} |
\(\mathsf{A}\) |
\mathbf{A} |
\(\mathbf{A}\) |